Study indicates that nanoparticles cause brain damage in fish
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
In just the past few years, nanotechnology has brought technological advances in almost every field imaginable - patches that regenerate heart tissue, water-powered batteries and better biofuels are just a few examples. As with just about any new technology, however, concerns have been raised regarding its safety. We've never experienced anything quite like it before, so how far should we trust it? According to a recent study conducted at the University of Plymouth, the answer to that question might be "Not very far." In tests on rainbow trout, titanium oxide nanoparticles were found to cause damage to the brain and other parts of the central nervous system.
Titanium oxide nanoparticles are used in a number of applications including paints, vitamins, personal care products such as sunscreen and cosmetics, and possibly soon in food products. After being subjected to these nanoparticles, the trout developed vacuoles (holes) in parts of their brains, and some of their brain cells died. Although past tests on cell cultures and other in vitro systems have suggested possible harmful effects of nanoparticles, this is reportedly the first time that such effects have been confirmed in a live vertebrate.