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Female Body Parts Insured for Insane Sums of Money

Posted by info Sunday, July 10, 2011 0 comments
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Celebrities are clearly anxious individuals. The thought of heading back to living in the real world of traffic jams and chopped up hot dogs for dinner must scare the crap out of them. Why else would they take out such huge insurance policies on their most valuable physical attributes?

This trend of insuring body parts has been in vogue since the era of silent movies, when some stars even had their trademark crossed-eyes or big noses insured because of their importance in their comedy routines! Sadly, there aren’t as many wacky policies in Hollywood these days, but there certainly are some insane ones – especially where gals are concerned. So let’s buckle up and dip into the top ten most insanely insured female celebrity body parts of all time.

5. Heidi Klum’s Legs – $2,200,000

German Supermodel Heidi Klum’s legs are certainly part of her appeal. Being a beautiful, tall, blonde model doesn’t really work if you haven’t got a set of long legs to uphold the whole ‘tall’ thing. Suitably, she had them insured. But there was a catch: the insurance company were happy to fork out $1.2m for her right leg, but would only agree to a paltry $1m for the other thanks to a ‘small scar on her left knee’. I guess what they say is true: no one’s perfect. Frankly it’s probably a little easier to believe if you look like Heidi.
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